欧洲华语广播电台 Radio Mandarin d'Europe

2021-05-12 22:07:11

#经典里的中国智慧#——平“语”近人(国际版):得众则得国,失众则失国】习近平在庆祝中国共产党成立95周年大会上的讲话时指出:“党和人民风雨同舟、生死与共,始终保持血肉联系,是党战胜一切困难和风险的根本保证,正所谓‘得众则得国,失众则失国’。”这一典故中蕴含着怎样的民本思想?中国又是怎样将其付诸实践?点击CGTN双语视频,寻找答案。"He who wins over the people wins the country, he who loses the people loses the country," the ancient Chinese people-centered philosophy still resonates after over 2,000 years. How does the Chinese government adhere to the people-centered philosophy? In the face of an unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, how did China put its people first? Click on the video for more.

来源: CGTN微博